March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

How Much Does a Colonoscopy Cost?

After you turn 50 years old, your risk of colon cancer rises significantly. Ninety percent of colon cancer patients are diagnosed when they are over the age of 50. A colonoscopy every 5 to 10 years starting at age 50 can reduce risk of colon cancer death by as much as 40 percent, according to a 2013 Harvard research study . Yet, according to the American Cancer Society, the average American waits until 57 years of age for his or her first colonoscopy. Is it the mysterious price tag on a colonoscopy keeping so many people from these life-saving procedures?

Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC) are now more plentiful than hospitals. ASCs are outpatient medical centers that have a reputation for offering more convenient, better access and generally fewer complications than hospitals. And, what many consumers may not realize is that these freestanding surgery centers also offer another benefit: lower cost care.

A 2016 article in Consumer Reports  found that ASCs are giving patients more than curbside access to some of the most common procedures. ASCs also offer highly specialized physicians and surgeons, cutting-edge technology, qualified medical staff, and a better price than the hospital.

On average, a procedure performed at an ASC costs around half those performed at a hospital or hospital-owned outpatient facility—even when performed by the same physician. For patients who are eligible for a screening colonoscopy, most health insurance plans cover the entire balance. However, lower cost does not mean a compromise on quality, safety, or experience. In fact, these facilities staff board-certified gastroenterologists, maintain stringent certifications and accreditations for safety and quality standards, and deliver the highest level of patient satisfaction.

San Antonio Gastroenterology Endoscopy Center Downtown (SAGEC) was the first endoscopic ASC in San Antonio. Today, SAGEC has three locations across the city to provide easy access to top-rated GI care. All three locations feature a state-of-the-art patient experience, highly-trained staff, and some of the city’s leading gastroenterologists.

High Value, Lower Cost Medical Care

In 2007, Healthcare Bluebook emerged as an aggregate site to help consumers understand and find the best price for some of the most common medical procedures. The site ranks medical facilities in each market, comparing quality of care along with price. SAGEC facilities are in the highest ranked tier for value—the only freestanding endoscopy centers in San Antonio to achieve this ranking.

Read More: San Antonio Gastroenterology Endoscopy Centers on Healthcare Bluebook 

There are a variety of costs that go into a medical procedure. Pricing for almost every procedure will include a doctor’s fee, facility fee, and anesthesia fee. The largest variance in price is often due to lab fees or pathology. If your doctor does not find a polyp or adenoma, there is no need to send tissue samples off to the lab and, therefore, you will not incur this cost. However, there is no way for anyone to know whether or not they will find anything until the procedure occurs, making the cost of a colonoscopy an estimated range rather than a firm price. Your insurance provider and type of coverage also influence the cost of a colonoscopy, but SAGEC will assist you in tracking down this information to ensure you can make an informed decision.

San Antonio Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Centers are ranked as greenlight Featured Facilities on Healthcare Bluebook. This means that you get high-quality healthcare at an affordable rate. SAGEC offers financing  and other payment plans. If you have questions about the cost of a colonoscopy, don’t let that stop you from getting screened. The team at SAGEC will guide you through the process, help you get your questions answered and support your digestive health and wellbeing.

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